Approaches to Curriculum Development

What is a Curriculum ? 

A curriculum is often thought of as a set of courses, and their content which are offered in universities, colleges and schools. The word "curriculum" began as a Latin word which means "a race" or "the course of a race" (which in turn derives from the verb “currere” meaning "to run/to proceed" .

How many Types of Curriculum are there ? 

1. Subject Centred Curriculum :  
Subject centred approach is also called Teacher Centred, Traditional Curriculum or Content centred approach. Here the curriculum is divided into different subjects and the scheme of study is decided by a higher authority. The division of the subjects is based on common aspects and logic. For example subjects are divided into say Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, English etc. These may
further be divided say Mathematics is further divided into Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus

2. Learner Centred Curriculum : 
Learner centred curriculum is given by Naturalism. It is more psychological in nature. The Curriculum is designed based on the nature of child i.e it is child centric .  It considers the needs, interests and abilities of the learners so that they may develop their personality in a harmonious way. This type of curriculum is used in Montessori and kindergarten education and project method. 
Learners are encouraged to use problem solving methods and to set their own tasks. The teacher’s role is to facilitate growth by utilizing the interests and unique needs of students as a guide for meaningful instruction.

3.Activity Based Curriculum :  Activity is the natural urge of a child. Here Activity is used as a media or means to impart education for a child. It is also called as Learning by Doing. 


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